Bierton Conservation Area
A Conservation Area is ‘an area of special architecture or historical interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.’ Conservation Areas can include groups of listed and unlisted buildings, historic village greens and open spaces, surviving historic street layouts, unusual historic field patterns and areas of historic archaeological significance, all of which Bierton holds in one form or another.
Five Conservation Areas were designated in Bierton on the 16th October 1991. For of the Conservation Areas are concentrated around surviving pockets of historical development spread along the Aylesbury Road. The fifth Conservation Area includes a section of Rowsham Road at the North-eastern end of the village most of which lies with the Parish of Hulcott.
Not withstanding the requirement under The Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 for the local planning authority to review from ‘time to time’, the Conservation Areas with their boundaries the review of Bierton’s Conservation Areas will partially satisfy the requirements of Best Value Performance indication.
The above statement identifies changes to the 1991 boundaries and attempts to qualify those characteristics that make Bierton both special and worthy of Conservation Area designation.
Further information on this can be found on the website below, including a downloadable map of Bierton’s Conservation Area and a document with further information on Bierton’s Conservation Area;